Red Card Secures Funding for Educational Project to Reach Ethnic Minority Groups and Women

Red Card is pleased to have secured funding from Gamble Aware for its project  IMPROVING OUTCOMES for ethnic minority communities affected by gambling harms.

The project is a 6-month pilot, initially running until November 2024. If successful, we hope to get the project extended for another 18 months.

The project’s aim is to raise awareness of gambling harms within the African, Caribbean, and South Asian communities, and to help remove the stigma associated with problem gambling.

It is important to reach women in these communities, as a proportion may be ‘affected others’.

Thanks to GambleAware, our lived-experience facilitators will be able to work with communities, primarily in Greater London and the West Midlands.

Please share these flyers and help us to get the message out there!

Find out more

To learn more about the project or Red Card’s other activities, please contact us at [email protected] or 07444 512 184.