Red Card Founder Tony Kelly on ‘The Hurt Locker’ Podcast

Red Card’s founder, Tony Kelly, is the guest on episode 18 of The Hurt Locker podcast.

The Hurt Locker is a brave and  innovative podcast that opens a door on men’s mental health.

Tony discusses his own journey and struggles with gambling addiction.

The podcast acts as an honest and safe space in which men discuss their mental health experiences in their own time.

You can listen to the podcast below, or find it on all of the major podcast platforms, such as Apple, Amazon and Spotify.

We’d like to thank The Hurt Locker for raising awareness of Red Card’s activities.

Please give the episode a rating and share it with other listener.

Follow The Hurt Locker podcast on:

Instagram @thehurtlockerpod

Facebook Thehurtlockerpod

Produced by Tim Roe @courageous_productions

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