May 2024 Newsletter – Web Edition

Read the online edition of our May 2024 newsletter.

Spreading gambling awareness across the UK

As a valued member of the Red Card community, we’re keen to keep you informed about the impactful work we are doing to raise awareness on gambling-related issues.

Today, we want to share with you just a few of the amazing things we have achieved in April 2024.

4th April – Red Card recruited a new online facilitator, Kate, from Australia to expand our live experienced team.

8th April – Red Card delivered a gambling awareness workshop to Exercise Mental Health youth charity in Lincoln.

9th April – Red Card recruited a new facilitator, Chris, as we continue to expand our live experienced team.

9th April – Red Card delivered a gambling awareness workshop with Bedworth United Academy, filmed by the BBC. This broadcast went out to all BBC channels and there were interviews held with Bedworth players and staff, as well as our CEO Tony Kelly.

9th April – Red Card delivered their first online gambling awareness workshop with North Warwickshire Council. This was the first of 10 workshops to be delivered, as part of an exciting partnership with North Warwickshire Council.

11th April – Tony Kelly [CEO] was again featured on CWR [Coventry and Warwickshire radio] sharing his story and highlighting gambling harms in the UK.

16th April – Tony Kelly [CEO] was interviewed on BBC Radio Stoke. Tony discussed his time with Stoke City, his battle with gambling addiction, and the current state of play regards problem gambling in the UK.

24th April – Red Card delivered their second online gambling awareness workshop with North Warwickshire Council

27th April – Red Card delivered three gambling awareness workshops with Pro Direct Academies, as part of our continued non-league football project.

Initiatives & Partnerships Update:

29th April – Red Card have agreed a 6-month project with Gamble Aware. This project is aimed at bringing more awareness of gambling harms among ethnic minority groups and women. This project will commence on Wednesday 15th May.

30th April – Red Card will be part of a small project involving Gordon Moody, Bournemouth University, and Early Knights Ltd, delivering two gambling awareness workshops in the Midlands to ethnic minority women on the 11th and 12th of May.

If you would like to find out more about the great work Red Card is involved in, click here and check out our initiatives.

Red Card is a C.I.C. that relies on donations and funding to remain sustainable and continue our work within the gambling education and awareness space.

Click here to donate to Red Card.

Thank you for your continued support of our cause.

Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

Best wishes,

Tony Kelly
Red Card Founder & CEO
M: 0800 2945074
E: [email protected]

To find out more about our work, please get in touch.
