Ways of betting


I had many different ways of betting, all of them very different and all of them were going to win me millions…… well that’s what I thought. In fact it was the complete opposite. They would make my lose thousands and thousands of pounds, nearly lose my family, lost friends because of them and nearly lost my life.

I think I must of had an account with every single bookmakers you could, I would only sign up to them for the free bet…(well that’s how I got hooked onto online betting) and I bet there are so many other people that have done the same thing.

Once I had used them all and couldn’t open any, I would be that desperate for a bet I would open them using my wife’s name and email address just to get the chance of another of big win.

During the start of my online betting career I would only ever use the one account and that would of been sky bet, just because of the sky bet club, where you bet so much over the week they would give you a free bet the following week. If I remember right it was bet £20 get £5 free and that £5 would always be used on a request a bet.

As my gambling got worse and worse and I became more and more addicted, more drawn in to winning that big life changing money, I reopened anther 2 accounts so I had 3 in total.

Number 1

This would be used for my “normal” every day betting, accumulators, in play, bet builders. I would say this account would be your average persons account but the stakes would be a lot higher.

Number 2

This account would be used for my own method and system, this is the account that would make the millions I was dreaming of and could live off for the rest of my life.

Every Monday I would put £140 in it, I would then pick a football double for everyday and put £20 on it. I wouldn’t look in the account until the following Sunday evening to see how much I had in there.

Whatever profit I had I would take out and that was to go into a savings account, or as it was called back then sky bet.

The same thing would happen every week.

Number 3

This account was used for the very famous £10 to £1000 challenge. Basically the challenge is very simple, you start off with £10 in your account and put it all one on bet,just a single nothing else. Whatever you won you would put it all on another single. You would just keep going and going unt

il you hit the £1000. obviously I got nowhere near that, I think the most I got to was £488 but just too greedy and lost it.

I still remember the bet now it will haunt me forever.

Barcelona at home to Cadiz on a Sunday evening, 8pm kick off. They were 1/12 to win. I put the whole lot on them, the easiest money I have ever earns this was….. it was all going to plan, so I turned it off to go to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night so I thought I would put a cheeky bet on, my account was empty. How could they not have settled the bet yet. So I checked and they drew.

I just sat there in bed staring at my phone,how could this have happened? They were 1/12 on? This was Barcelona, one of the best teams in the world. They had Messi!!

I just started crying. This wasn’t meant to happen, this wasn’t part of the script. I had already spent that money in my head.

Having so many betting accounts open at the same time is the worst thing you could ever do. Losing so much money all at one time, you lose track of how much money you are depositing and betting.

You lose track of everything what bets you have put on, how much you have put on. You start chasing the money even more harder and quicker, you get deeper and deeper into a dark hole and it gets harder and harder to get out.

You think at the time it’s the best way to make a lot of money quickly and you can become rich and live the life you have always dreamt of.  You think you have that more of chance to win that BIG bet but it doesn’t come.

You win on one account but still put more and more money into other accounts. You are never a winner gambling this way!!


Sam Irwin, recovering gambling addict.

[email protected]